
Evolution Mint

  • Evolution Mint is to combine two NFTs to produce an NFT of one higher rarity.

  • The combination of the evolutionary source (Base NFT and Material NFT)determines the some NFT parameters can be inherited as increased values.

  • The success rate of evolution is set for each rarity, and the number of times a clothes can evolve is limited to the maximum number of Evolutions associated with the clothes(=Evolution Cap). There is also an upper limit to the number of times an clothes can be used as a material (=Material Cap) .

Why you should do evolution mint?

  • Broken-related parameters are reset (see details here).

  • Increase energy by rarity bonus.

  • Increase allocation point at level-up of clothes.

  • Increase some cap value.


Evolution can be performed only when the following conditions are met.

  1. Clothes type of Base NFT and Material NFT match.

  2. Both base NFT and material NFT levels must be at least 5.

  3. Both base NFT and material NFT cleaning values must be 100.

  4. Evolution cap of base NFT has not been reached.

  5. Material cap of material NFT has not been reached.

Success and failure

The success rate depends on the rarity before evolution. The probability of success can be increased by setting a higher rate of material NFT vanishing ratio, which is your choice.

If the evolution fails, the UHT cost is consumed, the base NFT remains the same, and the material NFT are lost with a above vanishing ratio.

Bonus Point

Bonus allocation point are awarded for successful MINT. Bonus pts will be determined for the following.

Evolution Cost

▼Required UHT

Cost (UHT) = Standard UHT cost (by rarity) × (1 + {evolution value})

※ Evolution value = the number of times evolved.

▼Required GHT

Cost (GHT) = Standard GHT cost (by rarity) + ( (Standard UHT cost) × correction factor )

Standard Cost of evolution mint

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